Thursday, December 20, 2012

1. Harry Potter (Panda's version) -Featuring Janet Hayden - Chapter 32

     Janet sprinted out of the Transfiguration classroom and headed west towards the Ravenclaw Tower. She ran pass students, teachers, classrooms, and ghosts. She ran up several staircases until the fifth floor and reached the spiral staircase leading to the common room. Thanks to her badminton training during her muggle school years, her stamina made her capable of reaching the to the spiral staircase without stopping even after a long sprint. Catching her breath, Janet groaned at the fact that the Transfiguration classroom was on the ground floor and the Ravenclaw Tower staircase was on the fifth floor and yet, it was not the end. She took a deep breath and sprinted up the spiral staircase. Her heart sank when she reached the door of the Ravenclaw common room, “Why can’t we have passwords like other Houses?” she complained under her breath and rapped the knocker.
     “Until I am measured, I am not known, yet how you miss me, when I have flown.”
     Janet’s mind was all clogged up as she was gasping for air, she could not hear the riddle over her heavy breathing, “Sorry? Could you please repeat?”
     The knocker repeated the riddle and all Janet could think of was her Standard Book of Spells Grade 1 lying on her bedside cabinet and the stern face of Professor McGonagall if she was late for class. She looked around desperately for help but it seems that most of the Ravenclaws are now heading to class instead of coming back to the common room. She glanced at her watch; it was already two minutes pass 9 o’clock. “Where is karma when you need them?” she sighed. True enough, Janet has previously helped quite a number of Ravenclaws to get into the common room by solving the riddle from the eagle knocker; she could certainly do with some help from her fellow Ravenclaws to get in now.
     Janet tried to calm herself down and think of the answer to the riddle but her mind was too clogged up with panic and worry to analyse the riddle.
     Janet, who was pacing back and forth in front of the door, looked up for the source of the voice. A girl with long black hair was smiling at her.
     “Yeah, I need to get my book for class,” Janet answered with a tone of desperation hoping girl could help her get in.
     “Let me try then,” the girl rapped at the knocker and the riddle was read again. She didn’t speak for a while, paced a few steps thinking of the answer
     Janet didn’t bother thinking of the answer anymore; she just looked at the girl hopefully, trying to give her silent support since she could not think of the answer.
     Then, the girl smiled. Feeling delighted, Janet paced nearer to the door looking at her hopefully.
     “Is the answer “time”?” the girl asked.
     “Indeed.” Said the voice and the door swung open.
     Janet dashed on as fast as she could into her dormitory to grab her book. She held it firmly to her chest and ran back out. She ran pass the girl who helped her with the riddle in the common room but she could not stop to thank her as she was already 5 minutes late for class.
    “She must be thinking how rude and ungrateful am I to just rush in and out like that without saying thank you,” Janet thought to herself while sprinting back to the Transfiguration classroom. She regretted that she did not stop to thank the girl since she was already late, she could at least show some courtesy. “I will make it up to her later. She is also a Ravenclaw anyway, there will be plenty of chances to bump into each other some other time in the common room,” Janet comforted herself as she sprinted down the stairs and headed towards the Transfiguration corridor.
     Janet opened the door hoping that Professor McGonagall was caught up with something on the way and have not reach the classroom yet. However, as she push open the door, she was greeted by startled looks of the class and Professor McGonagall was standing in the middle of the classroom looking at her with an expression that Janet could not understand. It seemed that Professor McGonagall was expecting her to appear at the very moment.
     Janet froze for a good two seconds until her brain reminded that she was supposed to be gasping for air.
     “Miss Hayden, are you aware that you were late for my class?” Professor McGonagall asked sternly.
     The whole class focused their attention on Janet. “Y… Yes, Profe…sor.” Janet answered nervously and trying very hard to breath properly.
     “And, I believe that you are aware that I do not permit my students to be late for my class?” Professor McGonagall continued.
     Janet nodded, trying very hard to avoid Mandy, who was sniggering. She was the only one in class who was not feeling nervous for her situation; instead, she seems to be really enjoying the scene with Janet’s embarrassment.
     “May I remind you that tardiness is untolerable under whatever circumstances and therefore, you, Miss Hayden, will be punished for that, which will cost you five points from Ravenclaw and your detention will take place this evening.” Professor McGonagall’s voice ringed over the silence of the classroom.
     Janet’s heart sank, she have not managed to earn any points for Ravenclaw and now, she have lost five points.
     “But tonight’s the Halloween Feast, professor,” Terry Boot voiced out hoping to help lighten Janet’s punishment.
     “That is why it is called a punishment, Mr. Boot.” Professor McGonagall said. “Now, Miss Hayden, would you please be seated? I would like to continue the class.”
     Janet quickly moved to her seat and the class resumed.
     Throughout the class, Janet tried really hard to perform spells properly, with hopes that she could impress Professor McGonagall to compensate the five points she had lost. They had to turn a mouse into a snuffbox. Although Janet’s snuffbox did not manage to earn any points for Ravenclaw but at least she managed to turn her mouse into a decent snuffbox. Mandy’s performance has clearly not been as well as it had been before, without Su by her side. Seeing Mandy struggling to make the whiskers disappear from her snuffbox made Janet felt better about losing points and detention.
     At the end of the class, Janet was held back by Professor McGonagall to arrange her detention that evening.
     “Miss Hayden, Professor Flitwick will be borrowing my classroom after lunch for his next lesson. I would like you to come back here at 6.30 in the evening to help clean up my classroom.”
     “Yes, professor.”
     “I expect to see you here at 6.30 in the evening sharp. I presume that you will not be repeating your tardiness.”
     “No. I mean yes, professor. I will be here at 6.30.” Janet said affirmatively.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

1. Harry Potter (Panda's version) -Featuring Janet Hayden - Chapter 31

“Dear Janet,
     Happy Halloween! This is one of the biggest celebrations in Hogwarts. There will be a Halloween Feast to enjoy later; I’ve always looked forward to those during my Hogwarts days.
     Everything back home is great. Tell you some good news, we saw Anna the other day and she asked about you so I think she has forgiven you for not going to Queen Anne’s. We shall go visit her when you’re back for Christmas, I am sure the both of you are still best friends.
P.S: Have you checked your mom’s notebook about the spell that could the change the colour of clothes? The spell is multicorfors but I remember your mom could mix 2 colours at once but I don’t remember how she does it. Check your mom’s notebook, she have some really good guides for your reference.
Mom and Dad”
     Janet put her letter down on her bed and reached for her trunk, she could not believe that she actually forgot about her mother’s notebook. The notebook that she has been flipping enthusiastically before she started in Hogwarts was kept untouched in the side compartment of her trunk since she started school. She pulled out the notebook and flipped through the pages filled with her mother’s neat handwriting. The notes now made more sense to her after 2 months of classes. Janet browse through lists of spells, her eyes lingered at the word “Adlevo”, the featherweight charm that will reduce the weight of an object. She glanced at the stack of textbooks beside her bed, carrying those around to class has always been tiring. Plus, those books are not feather weight. She picks up her “The Standard Book of Spells Grade 1” on top of the stack, weighs it on her hand and points her wand at it, “Adlevo,” she whispered. Instantly, she felt the weight of the book and reducing from its initial weight until it weighs the same as her pillow. Feeling excited, Janet leaves the book on her bedside cabinet, picks up the rest of her textbooks and practices the spell on them.
     “What are you doing?” Lisa pokes her head over towards Janet’s four posters.
     “I am testing out this new charm,” Janet points to the pile of textbooks scattered on her bed.
     “Ooh, what charm is that?” Lisa asked excitedly.
     “It reduces the weight of an object. I am testing it on my books to make them lighter so that they will be easier to carry around,” Janet explained enthusiastically. It was her first time trying a spell that was not taught by the teachers. “Do you want to try? You can make your books lighter too!”
     “I think I will try it after class. We are having Transfiguration at 9 o’clock, you’d better get ready,” Lisa replied while packing her with her books and quills.
     “Well, after I made everything light enough, I could just bring everything around without having to pack and unpack before classes,” Janet said while tossing all her books into her bag.
     “I wouldn’t have done that if I were you. Don’t you reckon that the weight of books gives you assurance?” Lisa advised. “Are you ready?”
     “Yes, I have everything in the bag.” Janet answered proudly.

     In the Transfiguration classroom, Lisa and Janet settled down on their desk. Lisa took out her Standard Book of Spells Grade 1 and Janet opened her bag to follow suite, only to realise that her book was not in her bag!

     “Oh no!” Janet flips her books around in her bag trying to locate her Standard Book of Spells Grade 1.

     “What?” Lisa asked without looking up, she was reading about the Levitation Spell they had learnt during Charms yesterday.

     “I think I left my book in the dormitory,” Janet moaned helplessly.

     “I thought you packed all your books into your bag?” Lisa asked, remembering that Janet was stuffing all her books into her bag before they came to class.
     “I know, but it’s not here,” Janet poured out all her books to check if she missed it when they were in her bag.
     “I told you it wasn’t a good idea to change the weight of all your books. You will not realise if you don’t have them,” Lisa said in an I-told-you-so tone.
     A vision of a Standard Book of Spells Grade 1 lying on her bedside cabinet appeared in Janet’s mind, “Oh no, I left it on my bedside cabinet. I need to go back and get it. Professor McGonagall does not like it if we come to class unprepared, what more without the textbook?”
     “But class is starting soon, if you were to go now, you will not be able to make it in time. You will be late for class.” Lisa reminded Janet.
     “I will try to run as fast as I can,” Janet rushes out of the classroom.
     “What’s the matter?” Su asked from behind Lisa.
     “She forgot her book and went back to get it,” Lisa explained.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

1. Harry Potter (Panda's version) -Featuring Janet Hayden - Chapter 30

     It was a clear Thursday morning, “A perfect day for flying.” Ernie said excitedly.
     The Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff first years’ first flying lesson starts at 9 o’clock.
     Janet has been feeling very nervous about flying. She knew that they will be flying on a broom and she was doubtful that the thin long stick of a broom could support her weight off the ground. She even wrote back home asking for elbow and knee pads so that she can wear them under her robes during her flying lesson but was let down by her father’s reply saying that it is not necessary and assured her that she will be fine.
     The only thought that managed to calm Janet down about flying was that the Ravenclaws will be having the class with the Hufflepuffs, which means Ernie will be there. Although Janet enjoyed Lisa’s company most of the time but Ernie’s presence gave her a sense of security because Ernie will always be looking out for her.
     For the past few days, Lisa and Janet have been sitting at a corner of the common room with their heads together studying a book called “Triumph in the Skies: Overcome the boundaries while flying”. Su would join them occasionally to study the basics and how to keep themselves steady on the broom while their feet are off the ground together.
     Ernie has been assuring Janet that flying on a broom is not as hard as she thought. Since they will be having the class together, Ernie promised that he will be guiding her if she faces any trouble during class.
     During breakfast, Terry was telling everyone about his flying techniques, “When you are about to turn, a soft jerk towards that direction will do. If you force your broom too much, you might end up going the opposite direction instead,” Terry explains enthusiastically and Michael nods with agreement. This was the first time Janet actually seen Michael showing excitement instead of his default dark glum expression. However, Terry was soon interrupted by Mandy who could not stand not being the centre of attention, started boasting about her knowledge on brooms and flying.
     “My parents wanted to get me a Nimbus but I told them first years aren’t allowed our own broomsticks in school but they got me one anyway and it’s now at home. I did not have much time to practice though but I think as long as you have a decent broom, flying should not be much of a problem.”
     Terry rolled his eyes at Mandy and said to Anthony, “What does she know about flying? She’s a muggle born.”
     Anthony, being well-mannered as usual, nodded gracefully and replied, “If she likes it that way then let her be.”
     “She must have been quite well off to own a Nimbus, by the way. Those brooms do not come cheap,” Lisa mumbled.
     “Really?” Janet responded, she has no clue what a Nimbus was.
     “She just had to show off everything about her,” Terry grumbled.
     “Ignore her, Terry,” Lisa said to comfort Terry but Terry was clearly affected by Mandy’s boasting and never smiled again during the rest of breakfast.

     At 9 o’clock, the Hufflepuffs and the Ravenclaws gathered at the Quidditch pitch waiting anxiously for their first flying lesson. The flying coach, Madam Hooch appeared shortly with a bunch of brooms which landed side by side neatly on the ground.
     “Everyone, stand beside a broom,” Madam Hooch gestured the group of first years to the brooms.
     Janet stood between Ernie and Lisa, she looked at her broom skeptically, still doubting that thin stick will be able to support her off the ground.
     “Everyone have a broom?” Madam Hooch’s hawk-like eyes scanned through the line, making sure that there was a broom for every student.
     “Now, stick out your right hand over your broom and say “UP!”” Madam Hooch told them.
     Janet hesitated a few seconds for Madam Hooch’s directions to sink in, “Say “UP!”? That will do?”
     Her doubts were instantly cleared when the broom on her left shot up into Ernie’s hand.
     Feared of being left behind, Janet quickly stuck out her right hand and muttered, “UP.” She took a glance at her broom, it lay motionlessly on the ground. “UP!” Janet repeated, louder than the previous time but her broom barely twitched.
     Then, Lisa’s broom too jumped into her hand after her third try.
     Getting nervous, Janet quickly turns to Ernie for help.
     “Take mine,” Ernie whispered and when he was about to pass his broom to Janet, Madam Hooch barked, “Everyone are to use their own brooms. How are you supposed to master how to fly if you are incapable of controlling your broom?”
     Janet moaned helplessly as Ernie’s face screwed as he was thinking of a way to help Janet.
      “UP!” Janet shouted at her broom but it rolled sideways as though showing its reluctance to obey Janet.
     Near to tears, Janet looked around; she was the only one, whose broom was still on the ground.
     “Your trust and confidence to your broom is crucial in flying. How are you supposed to ride on something that you could not trust?” Madam Hooch said as her hawk-like eyes carelessly avoid Janet who was anxiously standing by her broom.
     “You have to stop worrying about falling off the broom,” Ernie whispered to Janet.
     Janet tried to ignore the stares from the rest of the class, especially Mandy who was smirking with her broom in her hand. She looked down at her broom and thought, “I am sorry I doubted you. Now, can we work together and show the people who are now looking at us, expecting to see a joke, something that will blow them off their brooms?”
     Hoping that her message got through, Janet took a deep breath and say, “UP!” with all the confidence she could summon.
     The broom, as though understood Janet’s message, shot straight up into Janet’s hand.
     Janet glanced at Madam Hooch nervously hoping that she would start the class to divert the class’ attention from her.
     Without acknowledging that Janet has managed to get her broom off the ground, Madam Hooch demonstrated the way to mount their brooms without sliding off the end. “Everyone, mount your brooms.” Madam Hooch said hastily.
     Janet quickly mount her broom, imitating what she saw Madam Hooch did previously and looked sideways at Ernie and Lisa to make sure she has done it right.
     Madam Hooch started walking up and down the row, checking their grips. She stopped in front of Lisa to correct her grip, and she swept pass Janet without looking at her.
     Feeling a little indignant, Janet took a quick glance at Lisa’s grip and followed her, adjusting her grip similar to how Lisa was doing.
     After making sure everyone’s grip was correct, Madam Hooch stood in front of them and said, “Everyone on their broom? Now, when I blow my whistle, you may kick off the ground. Remember to kick hard and keep your brooms steady. You’re supposed to rise a few feet, and then come back down by leaning forward slightly. Understand?”
     Everyone nodded.
     “Now, on my whistle -- three – two – one,” Madam Hooch gave her whistle a sharp piercing blow.
     Janet gripped her broom tightly and kicked off hard. Her feet were slowly lifted off the ground and she rose further away from the ground. She wobbled a little as she tried to balance herself on the broom. Ernie rose nice and steady beside her and then went back down. Janet leant forward and her broom began to descend steadily until her feet touched the ground.
     Madam Hooch made the practice rising and descending a few times on the broom and then went to help those who were having trouble, leaving the rest to practice on their own.
     Janet was starting to enjoy flying, she tried moving forwards and backwards a little to realise that flying really was not as hard as she thought it would be.