Tuesday, August 21, 2012

1. Harry Potter (Panda's version) - Featuring Janet Hayden - Chapter 23

     Lisa and Janet exchanged blank looks not knowing what to answer, they were saved by a bunch of Ravenclaws, including the girls who shared a dormitory with them came down and joined them for breakfast.
     “Hi, I’m Padma. My twin sister is in Gryffindor, too bad we could not be in the same house. We used to do everything together, I guess now is the time for us to live without constantly having each other by our side.” A girl with long black hair tied into a pony tail, introduced herself to Lisa, Janet and Terry and sat next to Lisa.
     “Your sister is in Gryffindor?” A blonde girl chirped before anyone could reply Padma. The blonde girl sat beside Padma and helped herself with some cereal, “I thought I was going to be in Gryffindor too, since the popular ones will usually be in Gryffindor but I guess my brains beat me and the Sorting Hat sorted me into Ravenclaw. Not that I am not happy with that, don’t get me wrong,” the blonde girl quickly denies her dissatisfaction for not being in Gryffindor after catching Terry rolling his eyes. “I am very proud to be here, it just proves that I have brains and beauty.”
     As the blonde girl continued talking, everyone else ignored her and concentrated on their breakfast. Terry nudged Janet and whispered, “Who is she?”
     Janet shrugged and looked at Lisa who also heard the question.
     “I think she is Mandy Broklehurst,” Lisa answered.
     “Haven’t heard of her,” Terry replied. “I guess she is not as popular as she thinks.” Terry continued loud enough so that Mandy heard him.
     Mandy rolled her eyes and continued talking, “I was originally going to Queen Anne’s School. Heard of it?” A ginger-haired girl sitting in front of Mandy nodded, feeling pleased, Mandy continued,” It is a very good school in the muggle world,” Mandy eyed Terry who clearly was not listening, she raised her voice, “I was actually quite torn between the decision whether should I attend Hogwarts as I was doing really good at my old school and everybody was expecting me to proceed to Queen Anne’s. My friends and teachers persuaded me to stay but I thought as a witch, I should learn about my real capabilities. I always knew I was special,” as she continued talking about herself, there were only two person who appeared interested, a girl with black hair and a straight fringe, and the girl who nodded earlier, she has ginger hair and wore glasses.
     “If it was so hard for her to leave that school, then don’t. Nobody is forcing her to come here anyway,” Terry said angrily.
     Lisa and Janet agreed silently. Janet took a glance at Mandy; she was the girl who stole her answer at the Ravenclaw common room entrance yesterday. She does look quite pretty with shoulder length blonde hair, big blue eyes and a small face; she would have been likeable if she was not so full of herself.
     The Ravenclaw first years attended their first Charms class after breakfast. Janet settled down beside Lisa while Mandy, who was still talking about herself, sat in front of them with the ginger-haired girl whom Lisa recognizes as Morag MacDougal.
     Suddenly there was a loud “Bang”. The sound of books falling onto the floor shut Mandy up, Janet looks up and saw a small man standing on top of a stack of books. The teacher waved his wand and the door slammed close, then he tapped his wand on the desk for the students’ attention which he actually didn’t need to because everybody in class was staring at him.
     “Good morning, Ravenclaws. I’m Professor Flitwick, your charms teacher.” Professor Flitwick greeted the class, “I am also the head of Ravenclaw, so anyone of you may approach me anytime if you encountered any problems during your year in Hogwarts. Of course, if you would just need somebody to talk to or seek advice from, I will be more than happy to assist you too.”

Thursday, August 16, 2012

1. Harry Potter (Panda's version) - Featuring Janet Hayden - Chapter 22

     Janet work up early the next morning on her four poster bed. “This is official,” she thought, “My magical journey begins today,” she laughs at her own thoughts. She lies back down on her four poster bed covered in sky blue silk eiderdowns and listens to the morning wind whistling around the windows. As she was absorbing the morning, preparing herself to embrace her first day in school, Alpha flew in from the window and landed on her knee. Janet sat up and saw a note tied on his leg. She untied it and straight away recognized her father’s scribbles.
     “Dear Janet,
      Hope you have enjoyed the Welcome Feast. Congratulations on your sorting to Ravenclaw, your mother’s old house. We are very proud of you. Alpha seems to be quite keen on travelling, just write back to us about anything, we would love to know how you are doing at Hogwarts. It’s your first day of classes, all the best!
Mom and Dad
     Janet smiled to herself and pulls out a piece of parchment from her bag and scribbled.
     “Hi mom and dad,
      I met a few friends on the train, Hannah and Justin but they were all in the same house as Ernie, Hufflepuff. I was quite disappointed at first when I was not sorted into Hufflepuff but I am fine with it now. I met a new friend here, her name is Lisa Turpin. I hope we will be good friends.
      I really missed home but I think I will do fine.
     “Would you like to fly back now?” Janet asks Alpha softly and Alpha hoots back. She smoothed Alpha’s ruffled feathers, “I think you better eat something first,” Janet changed into her uniform getting ready to go down for breakfast.
     “You were early,” Lisa said sleepily from her bed.
     “Did I wake you?” Janet asked.
     “It’s ok. I should be up anyway.” Lisa sits up and pulls her uniform.

     At the Great Hall,
     “Wow, they sure have everything here!” Janet said excitedly.
     “Yeah, my brother said, you will never go hungry here,” Lisa said.
     “Your brother is here too? Which house is he in?”
     “He was a Ravenclaw too, graduated last summer. He is currently a Healer in training at St. Mungo’s,” Lisa explained.
     “A Healer is a doctor, right? What is St. Mungo’s?” Janet asked.
     “It is a hospital. Are you a muggle born?” Lisa asked.
     “Not really. I was out of the country for quite a while,” Janet answered nervously.
     “Oh,” Lisa nodded. “St Mungo’s is a hospital that heals magical injuries here in London. My brother is a practicing Healer there, he will be a real Healer in two years’ time.
     “Wow! Your parents must be proud.” Janet said while pouring ketchup on her sausages.
     Lisa’s smile faded, her attention switch from Janet back to the toasts on her plate.
     Janet realized the sudden change and quickly asks, “Did I say something wrong? I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean it.”
     “No, you did not say anything wrong. Just, I have never seen my parents.” Lisa explained with a sigh.
     “Oh,” Janet kept quiet after that, she is not very good at comforting people.
     Lisa sensed Janet’s guilt, she smiled, “My parents disappeared 11 years ago. Many said they were killed by You-Know-Who but nobody found their bodies so we believe that there is still hope that I will see them again.”
     “I believe that you will see them too,” Janet added with encouragement.
     “Good morning, girls.”
     Janet and Lisa looked up, a short boy with brown hair climbed up to the table, “You two were pretty early. I’m Terry Boot, really proud to be in Ravenclaw.”
     Janet was not paying attention as she sees Alpha off with her letter after he is done eating.
     “Lisa Turpin. She is Janet Hayden.” Lisa answered.
     “I am so excited to go to our first class. I guess we will all perform well in classes as we are Ravenclaws.” Terry express proudly while pouring milk into hos bowl of cereal. “I sure hope we could win the House Championship this year. I heard that Slytherin has won a few years in a row. They say Gryffindor might stand a chance but I think they there are too overrated with their bravery what sort and now that they have Harry Potter, they will be as arrogant as ever.” He continued before eating his cereal.

Sunday, August 12, 2012

1. Harry Potter (Panda's version) - Featuring Janet Hayden - Chapter 21

     Janet managed to have her fourth helping of pudding before it disappeared. Feeling really pleased that she could have so much pudding in one meal, Janet was going to ask if they were supposed to stay or leave the Great Hall but was stopped by a nudge from Lisa signaling her that Dumbledore was talking.
     After being told that the Forbidden Forest and the third floor corridor on the right is out of bounds for all students, Dumbledore conjured the lyrics of the school song in the air for everyone to sing in their own favourite tune. Janet hummed through the words using the tune of “Row, row, row your boat”.
     When they were all done with the school song, Penelope Clearwater, the Ravenclaw prefect called out to the first years to follow her lead as she guides them to their common room and dormitory.
     “The Ravenclaw common room is situated at one of the castle towers,” Penelope explained while leading the first years, “You will reach it after climbing this staircase. It is really tight so you will have to go one after another, go on.” Penelope beckons them up the spiral staircase.
     One by one, the first years climbed up the staircase. Janet clambered up the long spiral staircase behind Lisa, at the end of the stairs, there was a big wooden door standing handsomely in front of them. Unlike normal doors, this door has no handle, just a bronze eagle-shaped knocker. Janet has learnt to accept the fact that the things she will be seeing in the wizarding world will most probably appear in odd ways, she stared at the door wondering if the knocker is actually the handle.
     After all the first years gathered in front of the door, Penelope walks towards the door and raps the knocker. The beak of the eagle opened, a soft, musical voice said, “First years, welcome to the Ravenclaw common room. Before you could see what is concealed behind the door, please tell me what comes without being fetched at night but lost without being stolen by day?”
     Confused, the Ravenclaw first years looked at each other and murmured among themselves.
     “Anyone know the answer?” asked Penelope. “Unlike other houses, Ravenclaw does not require passwords to enter our common room. In order to enter, you will have to answer a question to prove that you have the wisdom of a true Ravenclaw. So, anyone?”
     Everybody started whispering.
     “Comes at night but lost during the day,” Janet repeated the question.
     “You know the answer?” asked Lisa.
     “Maybe, I’m not too sure but it does sound like stars.” Janet replied.
     “Stars! The answer is stars,” a blonde girl repeated Janet’s guess out loud.
     “Very clever, young one.” The knocker unclicks and opened the door revealing a doorway to the Ravenclaw common room. Penelope walks into the common room as the blonde girl who answered the question walks in haughtily behind her.
     “She heard you. You said it first,” Lisa grumbled.
     “Nevermind.” Janet replied.
     The Ravenclaw common room in wide and circular, it has gracefully arched windows, the walls are hung with blue and bronze silks. The doomed ceiling is painted with stars which are echoed in the midnight blue carpet. Tables, chairs and bookcases covered the expanse of the floor, a white female statue sits next to another door.
     “That’s Rowena Ravenclaw,” Lisa said suddenly behind Janet that made her jump.
     A few excited first years were running around the common room, Penelope smiled and said, “Alright now, this door here,” she points at the door behind the statue, “Will lead you to your dormitories. You will find your luggage at your beds. Good night.” Penelope bade and opens the door behind the statue.

Thursday, August 9, 2012

1. Harry Potter (Panda's version) - Featuring Janet Hayden - Chapter 20

“What?!” Janet was going to exclaim but managed to stop herself before the words escaped her mouth. Still in shock, she shot a glance first at Ernie, who looked disappointed, then to Hannah and Justin who were already at the Hufflepuff table, both looked at her with confused faces.
     What was done was done, Janet took off the hat and walks over to the Ravenclaw table. She was warmly welcomed by a round of applause by the Ravenclaws as they make way for her to be seated. A Ravenclaw girl with a prefect badge pinned on her robes held her hand out to Janet, Janet shook it nervously.
     “Welcome to Ravenclaw. I’m Penelope Clearwater. I’m a prefect, you may look for me if you encounter any problems here.” The prefect greeted. Janet smiled back, trying to hide that she was not paying attention as she was looking around the table hoping to see a familiar face which was quite impossible.
     “Macmillan, Ernest.”
     Janet let out a sigh, she did not notice that Ernie actually was looking at her before he headed to the Hufflepuff table to join Justin and Hannah.
     “Potter, Harry.”
     A bunch of whispers and murmurs broke out among the students. Janet's attention drifted away from the sorting and played with the sleeves of her robes. She couldn’t care less about Harry Potter, the boy who have changed her life and will be affecting her future. What she was aware of was, she had just been separated from her new friends and is all alone in a new place that she will have to adapt to.
     “Gryffindor!” The hat shouted for Harry Potter. Cheers from the Gryffindor table and groans from some other tables were heard across the Great Hall.
     Janet listened to Professor Dumbledore’s speech half-heartedly, and watched the food appeared on the plates in front of her. She played with the bowl of mushroom soup, stirring it round and round.
     “Hi!” a girl with brown hair and bright blue eyes, who sat beside Janet after she was sorted greets Janet. “I’m Lisa Turpin,” her eyes sparkled with enthusiasm which somehow made Janet felt slightly better.
     “No appetite, little one? I believe the Welcome Feast in Hogwarts does live up to its name,” a female ghost stopped in front of Janet and spoke in a misty whisper.
     Janet starred at the ghost, lost for words, she just shook her head.
     “That’s the Ravenclaw ghost, The Grey Lady.” Lisa explained as the ghost floated away towards the other end of the table. “You look really worried, is something bothering you?” Lisa asked with concern.
     “Oh, no. I’m ok.” Janet forced a smile and replied.
     Here, have a pie, that should cheer you up.” Lisa put a slice of pie onto Janet’s plate.
     “Thanks, Lisa, right?” Janet took a bite of the pie and felt much better, she was making friends and she should cheer up. “I’m Janet Hayden,” she said with a smile to Lisa.
     Yup, it’s Lisa and how is the pie?” Lisa asked playfully.
     Instantly, they became friends.
     Ernie was keeping an eye on Janet from the Hufflepuff table. Janet caught his eye and smiled back signaling him that she is fine. Ernie let go a smile of relieve and continue enjoying his dinner.
     Janet has never seen anything like this, no wonder her father said that they will not starve. There was plenty of food, just like a buffet. Just except the fact that the food will not run out, it keeps refilling itself.  
     Feeling much happier now as she has company, Janet piled her plate with all her favourite foods, bacon, sausages, potatoes and whatever that interests her while talking to Lisa about the castle ghosts.

     “Some are really friendly, like Fat Friar, the Hufflepuff ghost, he is a happy ghost who will always be ready to help. The Gryffindor ghost, Nearly Headless Nick is also quite friendly. You will not want business with Bloody Baron, the Slytherin ghost, he does scare me, sometimes.” Penelope explained to Lisa and Janet. “And look out for Peeves. He will forever be creating trouble so be careful not to cross him. Or on the safe side, just avoid him, he might end up getting you in detention for something you didn’t do,” said Penelope.

     “I never thought I will be actually seeing ghosts around. This is so bizarre.” Janet mumbled.

Monday, August 6, 2012

1. Harry Potter (Panda's version) - Featuring Janet Hayden - Chapter 19

They followed the crowd through the castle grounds, walked pass a bunch of tress and reach a lake.
      “No more than four in a boat. We are four, let’s take a boat.” Ernie said as he jumped into an empty boat. Then, he took hold of Janet’s hand and helped her get onto the boat while Justin helped Hannah.
     Janet tried to sit still but the boat was a bit wobbly and her nerves are not helping her relax. She clutch hard on Ernie’s hand which was next to hers to release her tension. Ernie winced but tried to remain calm and kept a straight face.
    The boat glided across the lake, Janet was still clutching to Ernie’s hand although the boat was gliding smoothly. They passed a curtain of ivy and a dark tunnel and then reach the castle. There were already a few other first years that were on the boats that set sailed before them gathering around the big oak door. A big man passed through the first years and headed up to the door.
     “Woah! That is one big man!” Justin gasped.
     “That’s Hagrid, the gamekeeper.” Ernie whispered to Justin.
     Hagrid raised his fist and knocked on the door. The door swung open, a tall, black haired witch with a very stern face appeared at the door.
     “The firs’ years, Professor McGonagall,” Hagrid said.
     “Thank you, Hagrid. I will take them from here.” Professor McGonagall pulled the door wide and beckons the group of first years into the entrance hall.
     “Welcome to Hogwarts,” said Professor McGonagall. ”The start-of-term banquet will begin shortly, but before you take your seats in the Great Hall, you will be sorted into your houses. The Sorting is a very important ceremony because, while you are here, your house will be something like your family within Hogwarts. You will have classes with the rest of your house, sleep in your house dormitory, and spend free time in your house common room. The four houses are called Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, and Slytherin. Each house has its own noble history and each has produced outstanding witches and wizards. While you are at Hogwarts, your triumphs will earn your house points, while any rule breaking will lose house points. At the end of the year, the house with the most points is awarded the house cup, a great honor. I hope each of you will be a credit to whichever house becomes yours. The Sorting Ceremony will take place in a few minutes in front of the rest of the school. I suggest you all smarten yourselves up as much as you can while you are waiting.” Her eyes scanned through the bunch of nervous first years, those who met her eyes start straightening their robes and tidy their hair.   
     “I shall return when we are ready for you,” said Professor McGonagall. “Please wait quietly,” and she left them.
     The four of them stayed close together, a sudden “Whoosh” in the air made Janet jumped and bumped into Justin who then bumped into Hannah, and almost knocking her off her feet if it was not for Ernie who kept a firm stance and held Hannah preventing her from falling over. About twenty ghosts were floating in the air, pearly white and slightly transparent, they glided across the area above them.
          Justin gasped as a ghost wearing ruffs and tights swooped next to him.
“New students!“ said the Fat Friar, smiling around at them. “About to be Sorted, I suppose?“
          Justin nodded nervously.
          “Hope to see you in Hufflepuff!“ said the Friar. “My old house, you know.“
          “Move along now,” said a sharp voice that made quite a few first years jumped. “The Sorting Ceremony's about to start. “ Professor McGonagall had returned.
One by one, the ghosts floated away through the opposite wall.
“Now, form a line,” Professor McGonagall ordered the first years, “and follow me.”
Ernie pulled Justin to stand behind Hannah and Janet as he stayed at the back of him to form a line.
     They entered the Great Hall, Janet has never been to anywhere this big, there were four long tables where the rest of the students were sitting. The ceiling is filled with floating candles and further up was black, dotted with stars that seem like the sky.
     Professor McGonagall placed a four-legged stool in front of them and put a pointed wizard’s hat on the stool.
     “So this is the hat that will sort us into houses?” Justin whispered to Ernie.
     “Yes.” Ernie nodded.
     Janet thought to herself, “How will the hat tell which house are we supposed to go to? Does it change colour according to the houses?” Janet noticed that the students at each table wore a certain colour, she assumed that it represents the house colour.
     There was a complete silence for a few seconds, everybody’s attention were on the hat. Then, the hat twitched, a rip near the brim opened like a mouth and the hat started talking!
Oh, you may not think I'm pretty,
But don't judge on what you see,
I'll eat myself if you can find
A smarter hat than me.
You can keep your bowlers black,
Your top hats sleek and tall,
For I'm the Hogwarts Sorting Hat
And I can cap them all.
There's nothing hidden in your head
The Sorting Hat can't see,
So try me on and I will tell you
Where you ought to be.
You might belong in Gryffindor,
Where dwell the brave at heart,
Their daring, nerve, and chivalry Set Gryffindors apart;
You might belong in Hufflepuff,
Where they are just and loyal,
Those patient Hufflepuffis are true And unafraid of toil;
Or yet in wise old Ravenclaw,
if you've a ready mind,
Where those of wit and learning,
Will always find their kind;
Or perhaps in Slytherin
You'll make your real friends,
Those cunning folk use any means
To achieve their ends.
So put me on! Don't be afraid!
And don't get in a flap!
You're in safe hands (though I have none)
For I'm a Thinking Cap!
     “Wow!” Janet and Justin gasped together and join the applause when the hat landed back on the stool.
    Professor McGonagall stood beside the stool holding a long roll of parchment and said, “When I call your name, you will put on the hat and sit on the stool to be sorted.”
     “Abbott, Hannah.”
     Hannah stepped out of the line and walked towards the stool. She picks up the hat and puts it on her head.
     Hannah ran happily to the Hufflepuff table.
     “She made it into Hufflepuff.” Justin repeated.
     “Finch-Fletchley, Justin.”
     Ernie gave Justin an encouraging pat before he walks up to the sorting hat.
     Ernie cheered silently behind Janet.
     Janet thought to herself, “Justin has made it to Hufflepuff too. I guess I will be in Hufflepuff too.”
     “Hayden, Janet.”
     Janet walks up and puts on the hat.
     “Ah… I see many qualities here,” the hat said.
     Janet raises her eyebrow and tries to look at the hat on her head, wondering if everyone could hear what it had said. She don't remember the hat talking when it was other students' turn.
     The hat continued, “You would do well in most of the houses here but there is one house in particular where you would be able to outshine your potential. That is… Ravenclaw!”