Monday, April 16, 2007

The Life of Orphans - Chapter 30

Cyndi: When is this going to end?
Zax: What?
Cyndi: Me as your girlfriend.
Zax: Why?
Cyndi: Because Sam had got it all wrong!
Zax: Sam?
Cyndi: Uh! And the others too. They woke me up early in the morning just to ask me this.
Zax: How did they know?
Cyndi: Jason, duh.
Zax: I know. But Jason won't really tell anybody something unless he's asked.
Cyndi: Maybe somebody else saw us.
Zax: Who?
Cyndi: How should I know? By the way, where's your dad?
Zax: He went to the clinic for checkup.
Cyndi: Aren't you supposed to go with him?
Zax: He said that I don't have to. She can go with him.
Cyndi: She? Can't you call her something instead of "she", "her".
Zax: What do you expect me to call her? Mom? No way! She's not even MY MOM, ok?
Cyndi: Fine, fine. I'm not in mood to quarrel with you.
Just then, Zax's dad was screaming from downstairs,
ZD: I have good news! Come on down, the both of you.
Zax: How did he know that we are upstairs?
Cyndi: Because we are not downstairs, Dumbo.
Zax: I mean can't he thought that we went out or something?
Cyndi: Because our shoes are still outside, Dumbo.
Zax: Stop calling me Dumbo!
ZD: You know what the doctor told me today?
Zax: What?
ZD: My condition isn't that serious anymore. I even have the chance to recover completely.
Zax: Oh, how did that happen?
ZD: The doctor said that it might be due to my cheerfulness all this while with the two of you.
Zax: Oh. That's good news.
Cyndi: Congratulations uncle.
ZD: I should thank you because if it's not for you I may not have today.
Cyndi: I didn't do anything. [Except for acting in front of you]
ZD: The doctor said I’m a lucky man to have such miracle happening to me.
Zax: Yup, very lucky. So, what now?
ZD: I still have to go for the checkups and take my medicine accordingly. I really want to recover and attend your graduation and also your university graduation. And not forgetting, your wedding.
Zax and Cyndi stopped smiling upon hearing the words "wedding".
Zax: Umm... Dad. Cyndi and I will not be home for lunch later.
ZD: Ok, enjoy yourselves.
Zax: We will.
Cyndi: See you, uncle.
Outside the house,
Cyndi: It's not that I’m not happy for your dad about his chances of recovery but how are we going to explain to him about all this?
Zax: You're asking me? I'm just as puzzled as you are.
Cyndi: I have an idea here. Why don't you find a REAL girlfriend instead and break up with me? That will do all the explaining.
Zax: But can't you see how much dad likes you? He'll get me if I dumped you.
Cyndi: Then I’ll be the one dumping you.
Zax: Then my dad will be sure to say that it's my fault and bla bla bla.
Cyndi: Then find a girl better than me. I bet there are loads out there.
Zax: I know that. It's obvious.
Cyndi: Oye! What do you mean?
Zax: That's means there are loads of better girls out there, Dumbo.
Cyndi: Dumbo is you not me. Please remember your name.
Zax: Fine. Where should we go now?
Cyndi: (had a sudden thought of something) Hey! Since your dad is recovering soon, can I tell him now?
Zax: Who?
Cyndi: Sam! .... and the rest of course.
Zax: Admit it that you like Sam.
Cyndi: Then you admit it that you like Hebe!
Zax: What? Why do you have to mention her name all of a sudden?
Cyndi: Because I can see that you like her but I should advise you to find another target.
Zax: Why?
Cyndi: Because you'll be disappointed.
Zax: Why should I?
Cyndi: Use your common sense, Dumbo! If someone you like, like another person, will you be disappointed?
Zax: I change my target then.
Cyndi: You should be serious in this matter. You can just see one and like one and forget about it just like that.
Zax: Then? What do you want me to do? Sit down and cry?
Cyndi: Whatever. You show a little sincerity when you really like a girl.
Zax: I thought you said that she liked someone else already?
Cyndi: Nevermind. By the way, you haven't answer me yet. Can I tell him... them about you and me?
Zax: Not yet.
Cyndi: Why?
Zax: Wait till I find someone who could really replace you.
Cyndi: You mean a real girlfriend?
Zax: Uh-huh.
Cyndi: This will take ages.

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